View Full Version : Is There A Difference?

11-08-2007, 05:46 AM
between "sess" and "hydro", pretty much brown vs. green weed. for the most part, where i'm from it's said that sess is better for a daily herb smoker than hydro, which most people feel messes up your brain after constant daily use for a while, I was just wondering if this was true. I actually do feel the same way when i analyze those who smoke sess compared to hydro, just at looking at a person you can tell the difference. Constant users of hydro often look like "stoners" even when they aren't stoned, while with those who smoke sess it's alot harder to tell they smoke weed for some reason.

Of course everyone smokes both time to time, but I'm talking about those who usually stick and prefer one more than the other and use it daily. I do feel a big difference smoking sess compared to hydro, sess is more of a body high and dro is more of a mind high. pretty much the sativa vs. indica thing, but ye, i was just wondering whats the difference and whether its true what I'm hearing.

Also, I've been doing a lot of research about cannabis, and i've come across the term "hydro" numerous times, but never sess, and i was just wondering if maybe this was a cultural term. if anything, incase there are those who don't know what sess is (because i've read numerous articles and documents online that have never mentioned it, and its rare i find a picture on the internet of brown cannabis), its basically brown colored weed(always brown) that gives more of a body high. hydro is just your typical green looking weed, doesn't even have to be grown hydrophonically lol, could be all natural and grown outside.

But yeah, i don't know, i'm kind of confused, anyone want to enlighten me?

11-08-2007, 06:06 AM
If the weed is brown, turn it down

11-08-2007, 06:13 AM
Hydro is shorthand for hydroponics, which is a method of growing plants. It has nothing to do with the potency or species of the plant. I have never heard of sess and if it is brown i am not looking forward to running into any. Hydro is usually much stickier than weed grown in soil.

From what i have observed, people who smoke shittier weed from time to time appear more stoned than those who smoke good weed every day because of the tolerance you develop.

11-08-2007, 09:45 PM
you guys have never seen brown weed? its not unhealthy herb or nothing, its just brown for some reason, smells the same and everything, people say its more natural. are you sure you guys haven't heard of it before? its a pretty common word in hip hop when talking about marijuana lol.


i know about hydrophonics and what not, but actually, down here, regardless of whether it was grown hydrophonically or not, for some reason if its green, we just call it hydro, it makes it easier to understand what the user wants to buy (sess or dro).

but yeah, does anyone know anything about sess and why its brown?

11-08-2007, 09:48 PM
OOPS, nightlight******

misread, my bad

11-08-2007, 10:41 PM
i smoke all kinds of weed
i smoke the BOMB shit cuz it tastes good and looks pretty
i love just having a sack of some gorgeous nugs

what you sess we call stress around here
you know the 50 oz shit
for me .. i like this stuff a lil more
it gets me blown when i take some bong rips
but it tastes kinda nasty compared to kush

ive always known outdoor bud to get me more stoned that indoor buds
all the brickweed comes from mexico
its grown in huge huge fields the size of small cities
they try there best to produce "sin-semilla" but c'mon it aint possible
after it is harvested and dried out and packaged and shipped its alteast
a half year or full year old.

it may look fresh but really it aint
but who who cares
just smoke it

11-08-2007, 10:45 PM
makes alot of sense...but if anyone has any other theories or information i'd love to hear it

so theres no difference?

11-08-2007, 10:47 PM
like, in terms of which'll mess up your head more

11-08-2007, 11:33 PM
mess up your head how
like ending up a burnout
i think its more the person nature
then the weed
i know chron smoking lawyers who bank over 200 grand a year
and travel all over and smoke daily
and i know peole who smoke shit bud and they cant leave the couch

11-08-2007, 11:37 PM
This is funny.
Hydro is no better than soil grown , it isn't the method that delivers the goods it's the experience of the grower.
From the first post I have the impression you only get two strains where you live , I have never heard of sess but as has already been pointed out there is no such "strain" as DRO ! it is a way to grow not a kind of cannabis.

Cannabis has so many strains now that the end result can be varied in colour but potency is not in any way linked to colour.

11-09-2007, 12:11 AM
When i was growing up, We called brown weed schwag, and since i'm a black, i had no problem getting it cheap from brown people.

I also have no idea what your post is about, so i decided to be a little rude.


11-09-2007, 01:51 AM
we get a lot of strains (northern lights, double a BC Chronic, Purple Haze, White Widow(occasionally), etc etc) here, but i'm just talking about typical weed, most people don't really care about strain names, half of them are made up anyway by dealers wanting more money.

eh, none of yall really know what your talking about when it comes to sess except for fiendowl...interesting, maybe sess is a geographic thing and not everyones been exposed to it.


more like, you know, stertypical stoner who forgets everything even when not high and seems a little bit slower than the rest, that kind of messed up. i know a lot of people like that, and typically, they smoke hydro, or for a better word, GREEN weed cus some of yall are sounding a little sensitive at me referring to it as hydro. While those i know who smoke sess seem a lot more normal, and I'm actually not the only one who observes this, most people agree who know both green weed and sess 99.9% agree.

hm, is it possible that sess is less potent because its older? causing less of the negative long term "When your not high" side effects at the cost of a less intense mind-high?

i don't know, i'm just guessin and throwing things out there, i've always wondered about the claim of sess being better for you mentally than hydro, and while normally i'd assume that it was just a common mistake that most people made out of ignorance, i actually do see a little truth in the saying.

or maybe it depends on the individual lol

11-09-2007, 01:54 AM
I just smoked some stress yesterday..a different high, but still gets me way high.

11-09-2007, 02:37 AM
its probably just the stress shit gets you high but for a lot shorter amount of time therefore having a shorter after high effects also....

the headies, dank, ect. give you an amazing hard hitting long lasting high but at the same time after the high wears off you have a longer amount of time that you get your mind right after the long high.........

therefore the stress shit makes you look high and less burnout because it is less potent IMO

11-09-2007, 03:06 AM
very possible. this topic is pretty intriguing, especially when you know those who smoke one or the other and not both, and you can see differences

11-09-2007, 06:19 AM
you guys have never seen brown weed? its not unhealthy herb or nothing, its just brown for some reason, smells the same and everything, people say its more natural. are you sure you guys haven't heard of it before? its a pretty common word in hip hop when talking about marijuana lol.


i know about hydrophonics and what not, but actually, down here, regardless of whether it was grown hydrophonically or not, for some reason if its green, we just call it hydro, it makes it easier to understand what the user wants to buy (sess or dro).

but yeah, does anyone know anything about sess and why its brown?
wouldnt good or bad be easier to understand than an abbreviation for a growing method which people also legitimately refer to weed grown that way as?

11-09-2007, 06:45 AM
Just because Bud is brown doesnt mean its bad. Why do you think green bud turns into a tan brownish color when you cure it for a long time? Its part of the process.

11-09-2007, 08:11 AM
Sweet feathery Jesus!!!! "Sess" has to be what was already refered to as stress. Living in Kansas my whole life and relocating to Kali, I know exactly what you are talking about. As mentioned earlier the "brown" weed you are talking about is low grade mexican schwaaag. Nothing wrong with it and yes it will get you high, but it tastes awful. It's like comparing mikes hard lemonade to a $400 bottle of wine. No comparisson. I also agree that the long term effect on the individual are likely more related to their overall lifestyle. It kinda sounds like you may be too young to be using MJ. Especially if you are taking ques from "hip hop". No offense meant. Also, just because it is hydro doesn't mean anything. I know some peckerheads back in KS that will grow that schwagg in hydro, and the poor souls that live there that don't know any bettery will pay medical grade prices for what they are told is "kind bud" which 99% of them think is a strain. The whole time it's just that mexican crap that is grown with intent and not for mass production. Doesn't change anything about the smoke except that it looks better and has far less seeds. Obviously also you can get high grade with any grow method up to and including dirt.

11-09-2007, 08:27 AM
brown weed? yikes!

11-09-2007, 05:45 PM
lol so sess is schwag? i never knew i even layed EYES on schwag before, i've heard the term before but never knew i've used it. it makes more sense now. lol also, listening to hip-hop is doesn't necessarily mean your young for your information, I know people in their late 40's who listen to hip hop constantly, i just referenced hip-hop because its the most commercial and popular form of music and hoped that maybe someone would be able to relate, I'm not taking ques from it lol.

so sess is basically older mexican schwag, makes sense now. I've always wondered why i never saw brown marijuana plants or full brown buds growing lol. Thanks everyone